Carol is an experienced facilitator for cycles of community engagement comprising:
drop-in sessions
school ‘design’ sessions
civic & business workshops.
Working alongside Kevin Murray and Jas Atwal, she is trained in listening to residents’ concerns and aspirations for their area.
Explaining the design concepts and approach, the planning process and how best to engage with it are key to gaining local trust and getting invaluable feedback on emerging design options and proposals.
Podsmead and Matson estate regeneration, Gloucester City -
Carol is one of the Kevin Murray Associates team working for Local Partnerships as the Community Engagement team supporting Gloucester City Homes (GCH) in scoping and preparing a consensus masterplan for these two post-war estates.
Otterpool Garden Town community participation -
One of the KMA team for this major project, Carol is a facilitator for the cycles of community presentations and meetings, drop-in sessions, school ‘design’ sessions, stakeholder and civic & business workshops. The approach to date has comprised three cycles of engagement with communities mostly within the study’s area of search, with sessions also held in the adjacent towns of Folkestone and Hythe.
Place Standards for Gloucester Communities
Tin Tabernacle, Hythe, Kent