Defra NR0107 “Rationale for an Ecosystems approach to policy making (2007/08) Project Manager for a consortium project that involved assessing and describing the state and trends in ecosystem service provision for England’s terrestrial habitats and how this information could be applied to strategic policy development.
Ecosystem Services in the Parrett Catchment (2007/08)Carol was a major contributor to Nottingham University-led Defra project NR0111 examining the potential for embedding an ecosystems approach to decision-making in the Parrett catchment.
Risk-Based Assessment Study, West Midlands Councils (2009/10) Project manager and main author of a risk-based assessment study to identify the environmental priorities for new regional planning-related guidance for the West Midlands.
Sustainability Checklist Review, Advantage West Midlands (2009/10) Project Manager for a region-wide Advantage West Midlands initiative to revise and promote the Region’s sustainable design and construction checklist to local authorities and developers including the design and delivery of 5 regional training events.
Carol was co-author of the chapter
entitled "The role of sustainability
assessment in the masterplanning
process" in Rethinking Masterplanning:
Creating Quality Places (Ed. Husam
AlWaer & Barabara Illsley, ICE
Publishing - Institution of Civil Engineers
- Academy of Urbanism,2017)
Carol is experienced in applying Defra’s Ecosystems Approach and identifying ecosystem services and benefits, as well as assessing future climate impacts and developing design recommendations for climate resilience.
Carol was co-author of the chapter entitled "Making London's infrastructure climate resilient" in the recent publication Exploring Extremes - Building Resilience for the Future (Willis & Polarworld, 2014)